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Saturday 22 November 2014

Kayaks and Lure Fishing

Jackson Kayak v3

Kayaks and Lure Fishing

I love lure fishing and all aspects of it but I especially love trying new things and recently I was able to try lure fishing from a Kayak for the first time thanks to Terry Wright.  A man that is doing a lot of good for Kayak anglers across the nation.

We met up at a local reservoir where Terry ran through the safety aspects of kayaks and lure fishing  from making sure people knew that we were out on the Kayaks to ensuring I had suitable life vests and flotation devices.  We then set out onto the water with the idea that we would target the Perch and Pike in this crystal clear water.

I have to say I am very impressed with the craft I was on the the Jackson Kayak Cuda  I am a 6 foot 3 inch 240 pound brute and not only was it a very stable platform to make casts from but it is so easy to paddle around in, it just cuts through the water with very little exertion from me even when the wind really picked up I still found it really easy paddling directly into the wind.

I really wanted to dropshot for perch but with the high winds it proved to be a lot easier for me to target Pike with slow retrieved Battleshads and replicants at depth. In the first hour or so I managed to land my first ever pike on a Kayak and I have to say even landing a pike on the Kayak was really easy because I was so close to the water I could safely remove my engulfed replicant whilst the pike was still in the water have a quick photo and the little jack was back on his way.

Jackson Kayak

Jackson Kayak v2


We carried on fishing for a couple more hours but the rain and wind really picked up which made life a little too difficult for us so we decided to pack up after around 5 hours on the water. One thing I would recommend when you go on a Kayak is ensure you have good waterproofing both for you and for your tackle I use the Quantum Specialist Bag which is totally waterproof and keeps all my gear phones, car keys and camera safe from the elements.

Jackson Kayak v4

I was again impressed at how easy it was to transport and load the Kayaks on to the roof of Terry’s car. Not a bad day in my books a fish landed on a new water trying something new.

So kayak and lure fishing what do I think? I think its fun and I will be trying this out some more in the new year. A big thank you to Terry Wright for introducing me to Kayak angling your enthusiasm for promoting “Responsible access to appropriate water” is infectious and I left wanting to know more about it.

If you want to know more about Kayak angling visit the friendly kayak angling forum here

If you want to know more about the Kayak I was on you can by visiting the Jackson Kayak website here 

Kayaks and Lure Fishing

Sunday 16 November 2014

Quantum Specialist in a store near you


Quantum Specialist has landed in the UK

At the recent Tackle and Guns show I had the opportunity to represent my sponsors as they launched the Quantum Specialist  brand to the rest of the trade. I have to tell you that of all my small achievements that I have made in the fishing the two days spent at this show have been my proudest, why you ask ?

Well if we go back to 2011/12 I was just getting into predator fishing here in the UK and was looking for Quantum Specialist gear at all the usual retailers with no joy, why Quantum gear well because I had grown up using there stuff in Zimbabwe. Fast forward to October 2014 I am a Quantum Specialist team angler and you can now purchase Quantum Specialist gear from most of the leading retailers in the UK.

The Tackle And Guns show is an annual trade show put together to give all the companies in the Fishing tackle and Gun industry a chance to show of their products and new catalogues to the rest of the trade. This year the decision was taken by Tim Wildermoth Zebco Europe UK sales director that we would have a stand and it would be dedicated to the Quantum Specialist brand and what a fantastic stand it was.

T&G 2014 1


We were able to show off the majority of the products in the Quantum Specialist catalogue including some of the exciting new additions for the 2015 range such as the third generation Crypton Shotgun rod range. This range of rods has to be one of, if not the most popular in the Quantum Specialist line up and has been for a few years thanks to its affordability and great specification. The new version has improved eyelets new rod graphics and a changed butt design, it is sure to be even more popular in 2015.

Have a look at the album below of some of the new exciting products for 2015.

Quantum Specialist New Products 2015 – Highlights