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Monday 17 March 2014

Team England Lure Squad Trials - Esthwaite Water

Team England Lure Squad Trials

The first Team England Lure Squad Trials will take place over the last weekend of March. During these first trials I will be partnering up with Heath Taylor who is the man that introduced me to Pike fishing a few years ago. For me this is the first major lure fishing event of the year and will see us fishing vs 14 other pairs on this great body of water.Esthwaite water is one of the smaller bodies of water in the Lake District at 280 acres in size and any serious lure angler in search of large pike will know of the reputation that Esthwaite water has. I am going to go ahead and make some brave predictions that there will be at least a couple 20lb pike landed over the course of the weekend possibly a 30lber as well as the possibility of the large over wintered brown trout taking lures. I know that this is possible as I landed a 10lber at the same time a couple of years ago. What ever happens the Team England Lure Squad Trials at Esthwaite is set to be a really fun weekend.

All the details for the Team England Lure Squad Trials at Esthwaite water can be found by visiting the official website by clicking here



Team England Lure Squad Trials - Esthwaite Water

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