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Saturday 26 April 2014

Team England Lure Squad Trials Esthwaite Water

The first round of the Team England Lure Squad Trials at Esthwaite was held over the weekend of the 29th and 30th of March. I had arranged to travel up to Manchester with my wife on the Friday evening to stay with our good friends Heath and Sheri Taylor, Heath would also be my boat partner for the weekend. On the Friday night Heath and I sat down over a cold beer to finalise our preparations for the trials. What we did know was because of the mild winter that we were coming out of the seasonal patterns of fish would likely change and our expectations of how to approach the water would need to be flexible. It is relatively common knowledge as to the prime holding areas for pike on Esthwaite but what would be variables would be, could the pike be getting ready to spawn and if this was the case would the trout be on the bite and the shoals of Perch easy to find, these questions would be answered in the morning.

The morning came and we were in the car and on the way, I remember feeling very excited at the prospect of attending the inaugural Team England Lure Squad Trials knowing that there would be a possibility of qualifying for the final squad trials to be held at Llangorse at the end of May and then the possibility of being selected for the National England Lure Squad to fish in France later in the year. Not only was there the excitement of selection but I really enjoy the competition, I was looking forward to testing myself against the rest of the field and knowing how good or bad I am at the sport I love. Heath and I arrived and had to wait for a couple of hours whilst we waited for the other competitors, this gave us a chance to scan the waters and get a feel for the local conditions. The time went by quickly and the other competitors started arriving Daniel Brackley, Jan Porter, Mike Skipper and Ashley Hockham. I was really surprised to see that there would only be six competitors this weekend including myself and Heath. Honestly I though there would be more people interested in wanting to qualify for the national team. Speaking to Mike Skipper the national team manager about this before we set off on the first day it was clear that he was very disappointed with this fact too, as there was only six of us this meant that we all would automatically qualify for the final qualification round at Llangorse.

Getting to our spots

Getting to our spots

Day one, 10am we all sat in our boats ready for Mike to give us the official signal to start the trials. The all clear was given and we set off to our respective spots. Looking at the water temperature on my Hummingbird it was 48ºF only 2ºf of the magical temperature that triggers the pike spawning period at Esthwaite. I remember Daniel and Jan headed into the popular car park bay, Mike and Ashley headed into weather bay and Heath and I made our way to the to the set of buoys via the Strickland Bay point where we made a few casts with jerk baits with no success. At the buoys we planned to fish the ledges between 8-20ft of water. I was picking up lots of activity a couple of foot off the lake bead on my Hummingbird which made me try small crankbaits, dropshot and small shads on jigs with the hope that the activity I was seeing was perch. Well hope as I might these were no perch it must have been bream or roach, after about half an hour we made a move to the swimming pool a shallower bay ranging from about 1ft – 8ft of water, it did not take us much time to get there using my Rhino VX54 electric outboard an electric motor with a lot of power that runs very efficiently on the battery. Our approach to the bay was to come from the lower part and work our way to the upper point. Heath was casting a Quantum Battleshad in Dusk to Dawn 15cm and I had a Savage gear Da bush tied on to my Quantum Exo. After a couple of casts towards the deeper part of the bay Heath had a hit on the Battle shad and unfortunately he missed the strike,I immediately casted in the area where I though Heath missed the fish…… I remember my reaction was perfect, as if I had fished every other day in my life to make this one strike.Wham FISH ON it was a heavy fish I felt it pull and turn as I reeled in, my adrenaline was going. I do not know what I was thinking at the time but a nauseating feeling came over me as I watched the large fish role a couple of times shake her massive head and eject my bait excitement turned to dismay as the realisation of what had just happened dawned over me, I reeled in the now slack line. She was on for a few seconds then she came unbuttoned what had happened, what went wrong? If only I could rewind time for a few seconds what could I do differently. I cursed out loud this was a big fish in a competition and I had let her off the hook.

Quantum Battle Shad - Dusk to Dawn

Quantum Battle Shad – Dusk to Dawn

I needed to sit down gather my thoughts and check my equipment to work out what had gone wrong. The spinner bait was bent out of shape but the hook was as sharp as anything, my trace was all in good order with no kinks or twists. By now I had started to replay the series of events in my head that lead up to, during and just after the brief encounter I started to work out what I did wrong. It was not the equipment that was to blame it was my own careless error and lesson 1 in competitive UK lure fishing for me. What I worked out to be my error was the way I was trying to fight the fish into the boat. I had my drag set far to high and tried to muscle a very big fish straight into the boat. Why was this wrong you ask? Well I have seen this several times and it mostly happens to new anglers. I should have learnt from it myself as it has happened to me enough times when I started out. It comes from excitement and adrenaline When you first start out fishing every time you get a bite your bodies instinct is to strike and reel as hard as you can to land the fish, right? well this is what I did on this occasion the excitement and adrenaline got the better of me and I tried to reel the fish in not thinking about the amount of tension I was creating between my line lure and the pikes mouth, I did not give the pike a chance to fight the drag and swim away from the boat instead I helped the pike unhook itself because of the tension created. Not only was it my fishing skills on this occasion that let me down but in my experience if a pike is going to unbutton itself from any lure I would bet on it being the single hook of a spinner bait and thats lesson 2 of competitive UK lure fishing for me always have trailer hooks on spinnerbaits to avoid this type of disappointment. Now that I had worked out the error in my ways I refocused quickly on the task at hand and that was to re-catch this fish and her friends. I lay down the spinnerbait rod and casted out a few times with a 16cm Jerkbait the Quantum Specialist Spooky Jerk in fire tiger pattern a great suspending bait with awesome hang time making it irresistible for pike not to bite. We worked that water to a froth with all the lures at our disposal but could not attract a follow let alone a bite this went on for another hour with no change. The time was now approximately 1:30pm meaning we only had another 2.5 hrs worth of fishing remaining to us. We needed to make a move and fished a close bay in the hope that our absence from the Swimming pool bay would allow the fish time to recharge and when we fished the Swimming Pool again they would bite. This was not the case they did not bite for a further half hour. We decided to move on to fresh water we jammed the Rhino VX54 into high and zoomed down Esthwaite water to the reed bed on the way to the boat house. We passed the reed line with no luck the lures were just not doing the business today. We started fishing the carpark bay where Dan and Jan had been fishing all day and I took this opportunity to shout over to them to see if they had any luck. Dan had a few follows and had lost one at the boat on the Quantum Battle Shad in the Thunderstorm pattern but had not landed anything. By now as you could imagine having not landed a fish in 5hrs things were getting desperate and as an angler you start to doubt yourself and your skills. Lesson 3 of competitive UK Lure fishing don’t ever doubt yourself keep confident and don’t give up. Keep on casting keep on changing up until you find what makes the fish bite. After fishing for a further hour without any luck it was time to call it a day. We motored our way back to the dock to unload and see where the scores stood.

Daniel Brackley and Jan Porter on day 1

Daniel Brackley and Jan Porter

On exchanging stories with Mike Skipper at the end of the day it turns our Ashley was the only angler on day one to land a fish caught with a jerkbait. In the car on the way home Heath and I discussed the days events what we had tried and what we had not tried. What was concerning and Heath agreed was all the other anglers had reported having fish follow right up to the boat and we had seen nothing of the sort the only fish we had come across were in the Swimming pool bay and in shallow water of about 6-8ft of water on long casts and no follows to the boat. As you could imagine this put a lot of doubt in my head, why did everyone else get follows and we did not or could it just be Fisherman’s Tales ? With my battery on charge for the night Heath and I discussed our tactics for the following day.

On the second day of competitive lure fishing we agreed we were going to fish shallower as we felt the pike could be moving up from deeper water in preparation to spawn with the water temps close to 10ºc. We had agreed the day before that we would head straight to the Swimming pool bay as we knew the fish would be here it was just a matter of getting there and staying there until we got them to bite. Unfortunately events would prevent us from being able to fish this bay as planned. We arrived on the second day slightly later at about 8am and started loading up our boat. Whilst we were loading the boat Ashley and his boat partner came in as they had already been out fishing in the car park bay. Speaking to Ashley they had only had a couple of follows but were going to be heading straight out again as they felt that the best chance of catching fish would be getting them early. To my dismay they had decided they were going to head to the Swimming pool bay, I have to be honest I would be lying if I said I was happy about this. They now had an advantage over all the other anglers in the fact that none of us had even loaded our boats and 3 of the competitors had not even arrived including Mike Skipper. Ashley did explain that they had paid a lot of money and wanted to give themselves the best opportunity to catch a fish and fair point fishing is generally better first thing in the morning. Had we not all already qualified I am sure I would have objected to this. Nevertheless Heath and I needed to go top plan B which was to head into weather bay and try the shallow reed lines here. Once the other anglers arrived we all packed our boats and head out with the agreement that we could fish until 4:30. Well the second day was no better than the first day for us and all the other anglers. We tried everything dropshot, jig, crankbait, swimbait, jerkbait and spinnerbaits short of throwing out a stick of dynamite the fish just were not interested. At the end of the day the theory was the fish we spawning the water temp reached the 10ºc and the pike were not interested. All in all the weekend was a great experience for me I had taught myself a few lessons in competitive lure fishing which is a big thing for me to continue to learn and get better at the sport I love and I got to meet some new anglers who are as passionate about lure fishing as I am. A big thank you must go to Mike Skipper for arranging the whole weekend and for showing such commitment I do not know many other people who would be willing to organise and fish in a two day competitive environment and then take a mammoth train ride home lasting 6+ hours with stops, getting home at 2am and then going to do their day job at 8am. Now that is showing commitment for the sport you love.

Mike Skipper surveying the the water

Mike Skipper surveying the the water


You can see the official Team England Lure Trials results by clicking here

Team England Lure Squad Trials Esthwaite Water

Friday 18 April 2014

Team England Lure Squad Trials - Llangors Lake - The Grand Final

Team England Lure Squad Trials

I made it ! I am really pleased to be able to say I have made it to the grand final for the Team England Lure trials. I fished in both the Esthwaite and Bewl trials along some other great anglers and am really looking forward to this final. On the day there is going to be 20 anglers in total including the 2013 national team. Not only is there the potential to land a fish of a life time on this water but the other 19 anglers that will be there are a brilliant bunch of guys with some big names, as this is over a two day period it should be a great chance to learn a lot about the other guys and possibly learn a few new tricks that I can use in the future. I have started doing my homework on the water and the techniques that  are working and have started formulating my plans all that left now is to get on the water and battle it out for my place in the team. All the best to the other 19 anglers tight lines

All the details for the Team England Lure Squad Trials at Llangors lake can be found by visiting the official website by clicking here

Team England Lure Squad Trials - Llangors Lake - The Grand Final

British Lure Angling Championship qualifier - Round 4 - Grand Union Canal Lemington Spa

British Lure Angling Championships 2014


Round 4 of the British Lure Angling Championship qualifiers by Fox Rage will see me fishing the famous Grand Union Canal vs all the rest running through Lemington Spa for the first time. From the reports that I have seen Zander are on the cards for this event and popular meathods on this water would be jigging and dropshot. I am looking forward to this event as this will be a new water for me to fish. Bring on round 4 of the British Lure Angling Championship by Fox Rage.

All the details and rules for the British Lure Angling Championship by Fox Rage can be found on the official website by clicking here

British Lure Angling Championship qualifier - Round 4 - Grand Union Canal Lemington Spa

Monday 14 April 2014

Bass Fishing in Las Vegas

Bass fishing Las Vegas 1

Bass fishing in Las Vegas with lures is what I was doing 4 weeks ago and what I would love to be doing now. Instead I am back in the UK and preparing for the finals of the Team England Lure trials but more of that later.

I travelled to Las Vegas Nevada to visit family and have a holiday for a couple of weeks  and whilst I was there I planned to take advantage of the great Bass fishing that is available only 30 mins drive from the strip to a place called Lake Mead. This lake is know better for its fantastic stripped bass population but I was after my favourite Large mouth Bass or the small mouth. I had originally planned to go fishing on March the 7th but whilst I was there a cold front came through so for those of you that do not know what this means for fishing conditions,  weather patterns really effects where the Bass are located most often a cold front will push bass deeper and make them more lethargic making them harder to catch with lures. As this was going to be a one day fishing experience I needed to make sure I gave myself every opportunity to catch my target fish so the date was put back a week to the 14th so that hopefully the cold front would have passed and the bass moved shallower. Not only did I push the day back but I also employed the services of a local guide for the day to ensure I really did maximise on all the resources available to me.

Bass fishing Las Vegas 2

Our guide for the day was Captain Jesse of Las Vegas fishing tours who comes highly recommended by the staff at BassPro stores and now me. Captain Jesse collected my wife and I at around 11am from the lobby of Paris hotel on the way to the lake we stopped over at every fisherman’s dream store the BassPro store to buy the Nevada Department of wildlife fishing license. Not only can you buy the local fishing licenses you can buy every lure, rod, reel, line, hook sinker, float right up to a boat from this store. A place that I spent at least a day and a half in drooling over the goods and at how cheap fishing tackle is in the US in comparison to the UK. We then made the short drive over to Lake Mead to launch the boat. I must mention that any angler taking up the services of Captain Jesse BEWARE there is a strict “no bananas on the boat” policy including any product with the name banana in it. Why ? you ask, well according to Captain Jesse he has a superstition bourn out of an old seaman’s tale where bananas bring bad luck, I have to say listening to the tale I agree with captain Jesse NO BANANAS ON THE FISHING BOAT PLEASE. If you want to know this shocking tale please get in touch with Captain Jesse via his website.  After capt Jesse demonstrated his skills in launching the boat he showed me around his 22 foot boat and passed me my weapon for the day a Quantum medium heavy baitcasting rod on which I put my Quantum Exo 101 lefty loaded with the new Exofil 10lb line we were ready to speed over to the first spot approximately 20 minutes away.

When we arrived it was decided that we would need to use small surface crank baits that mimicked   the small fish in the water as the day before Jesse had been out and had an OK day on these. I need to explain to you before I tell you about my Fisherman’s Tale how clear this water is, you can literally do a coin toss in 20  foot of water and tell if the coin has landed on heads or tails once it hits the bottom, it really is crystal clear. We started the fishing or so I tried, I admit for the first 45 minutes or so I demonstrated all the ways of how not to use a baitcasting set up. Overwind after overwind, line striping due to the top eyelet of the rod having a small crack in it and casting into the wind with a light lure. Honestly It was really bad for a fisherman of any sort of experience. I blame the excitement of being bass fishing again after a 7 year forced absence from the sport. We were working depths of about 4-15 foot of water casting between submerged trees rock piles and humps. The fish were boiling all around us smashing the fry in the area and we could not entice the fish to take our lures. Frustratingly we had several follows from large fish but could not get the bass to commit to taking the lures, I changed my retrieve action, I went slow, I went fast but just could not get them to bite. You will know that as a fisherman the worst feeling in the word is seeing the fish all around you and not being able to to get them to bite, I was really doubting myself and had to keep reminding myself that Bass fishing is a lot different to what I was used too so the fish will behave differently. Before I knew it we had fished the first bay for a good couple of hours back and forth but just no luck. We moved to a second spot a bay that captain Jesse advised would have a good population of small mouth.

At this point I was getting desperate I was feeling as though I could not catch a fish if it was thrown at me ! even my wife  noticed my normally buoyant behaviour had changed to a quiet, focused and determined demeanour. I am embarrassed to say I even resorted to poaching my wives casting area to which Captain Jesse was not very impressed as he had manoeuvred the boat so that Justine could cast at a great spot and fair enough, it is just bad manners to poach someones area.

Enough was enough I  needed to make a change and made the decision to tie on one of the spinner baits I had brought from the BassPro store it was a 1/2 ounce KVD scorcher in chartreuse and white. On my third cast like a bat out of hell a torpedo shot out from about 15 foot of water and smashed the spinnerbait lure I struck…. BOOM TIME BABY fish on. I remember feeling the mixed emotions of joy and relief at landing this beautiful small mouth of 1-2 pounds with its red eyes and brilliant markings. I cant remember another fish that has brought me that much joy, all catches are great but this one was extra special because of the pressure I put on myself. After a couple of quick photos I released the fish to rejoin his mates. I was hoping that by treating this fish so well he would call all the rest of his mates to join the party, this did not happen. After parting ways with the smallie  I realised I had been fishing for nearly 3 hours without a drink in the mid afternoon heat.  Another little bit of joy crept in when I opened the cooler Captain Jesse had only gone and stocked the best fishing drink in the world Mountain Dew and there is a saying that goes with this “You aint gonna do the do if you aint got the Dew,  So you just got to Do the Dew”  All the frustration and pent up tension had immediately left me once I had caught this bass on my own lure and sat down sipping my Mountain Dew. I had remembered to enjoy myself again. I need to mention how brilliant Captain Jesse was in keeping us entertained through out the day there was plenty of laughter on board the different accents made things interesting with Jesse making fun of Justine or I for a laugh.  In all seriousness captain Jesse of Las Vegas Fishing Tours knew what he was talking about when we were fishing. I would really recommend anyone going fishing to Lake Mead get in touch with and employ the skills and knowledge that Jesse has to offer you will really have a good day out.

Bass fishing Las Vegas 3Bass fishing Las Vegas 4Bass Fishing Las Vegas 5

We decided to move from our second spot to the opposite end of the lake as the sun started to near the horizon and the views were better on this side of the lake, the days fishing was now done.  You forget to look at the land surroundings when you are trying to catch fish. WOW the views in the early evening at lake mead are really spectacular we had clear blue sky and the bright sunshine the whole day which made for some really great photos.  On the way back to the launch bay Captain Jesse let Justine drive the boat which I think was the highlight of the day for her, try as she might she could not land a fish and I have to hand it to her she really did fish her heart out trying to catch a bigger fish than me.  After we hitched up the boat and waited for the water to drain from it we chatted about the various different lures that Captain Jesse had in his boat and thats when he broke out his secret  home made hand crafted lures that he uses to catch large striped bass with.  Captain Jesse if you are reading this please don’t forget to send me my special edition lure cause man I can see a giant reservoir pike smashing one of those.


Bass fishing Las Vegas 6Bass fishing Las Vegas 7Bass fishing Las Vegas 8

Captain Jesse and me having a laugh at the end of the day Captain Jesse and me having a laugh at the end of the day



At the end of the day I thought to myself “what a lucky man I am, the most patient supportive wife a fisherman could ask for a fantastic fishing guide/entertainer the beautiful scenery and finally that small mouth bass of no more that 2 pounds that took my lure earlier in the day. Not bad for A Fisherman’s Tale of Bass fishing in Las Vegas if you ask me.

Bass Fishing in Las Vegas