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Friday 18 April 2014

British Lure Angling Championship qualifier - Round 4 - Grand Union Canal Lemington Spa

British Lure Angling Championships 2014


Round 4 of the British Lure Angling Championship qualifiers by Fox Rage will see me fishing the famous Grand Union Canal vs all the rest running through Lemington Spa for the first time. From the reports that I have seen Zander are on the cards for this event and popular meathods on this water would be jigging and dropshot. I am looking forward to this event as this will be a new water for me to fish. Bring on round 4 of the British Lure Angling Championship by Fox Rage.

All the details and rules for the British Lure Angling Championship by Fox Rage can be found on the official website by clicking here

British Lure Angling Championship qualifier - Round 4 - Grand Union Canal Lemington Spa

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