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Sunday 14 September 2014

British Lure Angling Championship 2014 Final

I made the final….finally

British Lure Angling Championship 2014 Final

I made the cut on the 7th round of qualifying on the river Tone with a total length of fish of 98cm and three fish. You can read more about that day and what I needed to do to catch those fish by clicking here.

At the start of they year I put through my thoughts on how promising the year ahead was looking for competitive lure angling and how much I was looking forward to fishing in these events and I have to say that they have lived up to and exceeded my expectations so far. I have fished in 3 or 4 of the qualifiers and they have all been very well attended, very well organised and the anglers have been all very passionate about the sport. Having achieved my goal of making the inaugural final I am looking forward to fishing with all the other qualifiers in what will be a field of the best of the best lure anglers in the country and see where I can finish. I can tell you now  that I am gunning for the win and my preparations are well under way.

The British Lure Angling Championship 2014 final is going to see me end my competitive fishing for 2014 where it started on the famous Chew Valley Lake, renowned for producing many thirties and a few forties a year it is sure to be a slug fest with some of the biggest names in the industry taking part. The event is sponsored by Fox International and is being covered by Sky Sports  which in my view is fantastic as the coverage will help encourage more people to get involved in lure angling and grow the sport which is what we all need.

I look forward to seeing you all there and thank you to Julian Chidgey and Fox International for putting this fantastic tournament together.

Please visit the British Lure Angling Championship 2014 final website for all the up to date details on this event by clicking here

British Lure Angling Championship 2014 Final

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