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Sunday 14 September 2014

PAC Annual Convention And Tackle Show

This years PAC Annual Convention and tackle show is going to be big….really big

PAC Annual Convention And Tackle Show

If you don’t know who PAC are and you go fishing for Pike anywhere in the UK you need to find out who they are. PAC short for the Pike Anglers Club of Great Britain is the recognised body that is “Fighting for the future of pike and pike fishing” in the UK. In my view they do a fantastic job of promoting pike fishing, pike welfare and the future of pike fishing. Since I started pike fishing in ernest they have been a great source of information and I have been a member for the last few years.

This PAC annual convention will have  the three following speakers on the day.

Steve Younger

Bob Roberts

Andy Black

As well as over 30 tackle stands  from all your favourite Pike fishing tackle stores this is for sure an event to attend to meet like minded anglers and possibly pick up a bargain or two.

For the full details of the event and entry costs please visit the PAC website by clicking here

PAC Annual Convention And Tackle Show

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