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Monday 16 November 2015

Understanding Predator Fish Behaviour

Part 1
On my recent post Lure Fishing Learner I set out that I was going back to the basics and re-learning how to catch fish with lures with the idea of becoming what I class a successful lure angler. I explained that to become consistently good you needed to combine a few things together and the first part that I am going to explore is getting a better understanding of predator fish behaviour.
What timescale have I put in place for this project I hear you ask. Well in all honesty I don't have any because I feel that no matter what style or technique of fishing you are trying to learn or improve there will always be something new to learn. Seriously don't take my advice just look at the top anglers in any discipline they will tell you the same.
The outcome of understanding predator fish behaviour is that I want to be able to ask and answer questions like the below 6 consistently when preparing for fishing be it a competition or simply heading out for a couple of hours after work ensuring my first to last cast have the best opportunity of landing in an area of predator fish.
  • Where will the predator fish be on any body of water be it a Canal, river, lake or reservoir ?
  • What are the predator fish most likely going to be feeding on?
  • What times are the predator fish most likely going to be feeding?
  • Are the predator fish likely to be actively feeding or lethargically feeding?
  • What factors will effect a predator fish feeding patterns for example spawning?
  • How does weather effect a predator fish behaviours?
These questions are probably pretty basic to most of you anglers out there but I want to re-iterate this is all part of the process for me as I am a Lure Fishing Learner especially when it comes to Perch, Pike and Zander as my main predator fish species of interest.
In my next blog post I will narrow in on researching the above 6 questions and others when specifically targeting Zander, Perch and Pike and as I mentioned earlier this will hopefully make my life easier when deciding where to make my first cast.
Zander Behaviour
Perch Behaviour
Pike Behaviour
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